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Vist our Profeceial Process of Manufacturing

PCB manufacturing is a complex process of many steps Each PCB has a unique function for a particular product. Check for main steps of multilayer PCB manufacturing. At PCBBUY, we promise to guarantee the quality of our boards through a product specification and quality control. In the production flow below you can see where the PCBBUY process is unique up to the IPC standard.

Single and double sided PCB

Cutting Drilling Immersion Plating Pattern transfer Etching
AOI Solder mask Silkcreeen Surface finish HASL/ ENIG Prototyping

Inspection of

finish board

OSP Package Put in storage Shipment

Process of multilayer PCB


Inner Drilling



(back lighting)

Inner Plating


Inner circuit


Epoxy filled vias


Buried via Stackup

Laser drilling


Outer drilling



(back lighting)



SVP Online AOI Outer circuit Solder mask Silkcreeen

Surface finish


Finished PCB test

(flying probe)



Conductivity test


Low resistance test Finished PCB test

Surface finish


Secondary inspection

Shipment test


Package Shipment

Raw material guarantee

Fast delivery guarantee

Product quality guarantee

Cost-effective guarantee